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posted 2014-01-15 15:39:05 +0200

Microsoft Exchange Email push notifications not working

When I receive an email on my exchange server it doesn't arrive on my Jolla phone until I do a manual update.

Periodically an email will come through (I assume on some sort of time / periodic sync) but emails are very slow to arrive, I'm talking 15 minutes or so late. I also find that when I delete an email, I have to do a forced update for the change to be pushed up to exchange

Microsoft Exchange Email push notifications not working

When I receive an email on my exchange server it doesn't arrive on my Jolla phone until I do a manual update.

Periodically an email will come through (I assume on some sort of time / periodic sync) but emails are very slow to arrive, I'm talking 15 minutes or so late. I also find that when I delete an email, I have to do a forced update for the change to be pushed up to exchange