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posted 2017-01-04 11:13:18 +0300

[Feature request] Make phone numbers in People app and in call history readable

The phone numbers in People app, and now also in call history, are displayed in a tiny font and in colours that are not the best choice for readability. For Example, with the Salamander ambience, in People app the colour is light pink on dark pink, and in call history it is medium pink on dark pink. When using the phone docked in car, it is plain impossible to read the numbers. This can create dangerous situations when driving (and I am saying so because it happened to me today). Please change the colour to a highly contrasted one (white, yellow or black depending on the background colour), and use a bigger font, at least twice as big.

[Feature request] Make phone numbers in People app and in call history readable

The phone numbers in People app, and now also in call history, are displayed in a tiny font and in colours that are not the best choice for readability. For Example, example, with the Salamander ambience, in People app the colour is light pink on dark pink, and in call history it is medium pink on dark pink. When using the phone docked in car, it is plain impossible to read the numbers. This can create dangerous situations when driving (and I am saying so because it happened to me today). Please change the colour to a highly contrasted one (white, yellow or black depending on the background colour), and use a bigger font, at least twice as big.