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posted 2017-01-14 20:31:22 +0200

Sailfish maps

Hello. I'm very sorry if it's a duplicate but I haven't found any article which helped.

I'm running Jolla 1. After the last update ( sailfish maps self removed from my phone. Attempts to install it through the store were unsuccessful - it tells something non informative (smth like "critical error, can't install"). Then I've tried to do it by pkcon. It tells this:

Fatal error: nothing provides libQt5Core.so.5(Qt_5) needed by sailfish-maps-1.1.26-10.40.1.jolla.armv7hl

I've tried pkcon refresh - it doesn't go easy. As it is it gives non informative message

Fatal error: Authentication failed (is SSU set up correctly?)

By trying different stuff I've found the magic combination of disabling repositories xt9 and customer-jolla which helped me to refresh pkcon. After refreshing an attempt of installation sailfish-maps ends up with the same error message about libQt5Core.so.5. Having no clue of what those repositories provide I've enabled them back.

So how do I get sailfish-maps back? What's the stuff about that authentication blah blah blah of those repositories? What do they provide anyway?

Sailfish maps

Hello. I'm very sorry if it's a duplicate but I haven't found any article which helped.

I'm running Jolla 1. After the last update ( sailfish maps self removed from my phone. Attempts to install it through the store were unsuccessful - it tells something non informative (smth like "critical error, can't install"). Then I've tried to do it by pkcon. It tells this:

Fatal error: nothing provides libQt5Core.so.5(Qt_5) needed by sailfish-maps-1.1.26-10.40.1.jolla.armv7hl

I've tried pkcon refresh - it doesn't go easy. As it is it gives non informative message

Fatal error: Authentication failed (is SSU set up correctly?)

By trying different stuff I've found the magic combination of disabling repositories xt9 and customer-jolla which helped me to refresh pkcon. After refreshing an attempt of installation sailfish-maps ends up with the same error message about libQt5Core.so.5. Having no clue of what those repositories provide I've enabled them back.

So how do I get sailfish-maps back? What's the stuff about that authentication blah blah blah of those repositories? What do they provide anyway?