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posted 2017-02-10 01:48:47 +0200

Camera app not opening after update

After updating my J1 to, the camera app hangs after opening, leading to a 'not responding' and the option of closing or waiting. Waiting just brings back the 'Camera is not responding' message after a few second.

[bug] Camera app not opening after update

After updating my J1 to, the camera app hangs after opening, leading to a 'not responding' and the option of closing or waiting. Waiting just brings back the 'Camera is not responding' message after a few second.

[bug] Camera app not opening after update

After updating my J1 to, the camera app hangs after opening, leading to a 'not responding' and the option of closing or waiting. Waiting just brings back the 'Camera is not responding' message after a few second.seconds. I have tried the old switch it on and off again trick. That didn't work, and it also exhausted the limits of my technical ability.

[bug] Camera app not opening after update

After updating my J1 to, the camera app hangs after opening, leading to a 'not responding' and the option of closing or waiting. Waiting just brings back the 'Camera is not responding' message after a few seconds. I have tried the old switch it off and on and off again trick. That didn't work, and it also exhausted the limits of my technical ability.

[bug] Camera app not opening after update

After updating my J1 to, the camera app hangs after opening, leading to a 'not responding' and the option of closing or waiting. Waiting just brings back the 'Camera is not responding' message after a few seconds. I have tried the old switch it off and on again trick. That didn't work, and it also exhausted the limits of my technical ability.