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posted 2017-02-17 16:37:06 +0200

Filesystem level clone onto another Jolla Phone leaves wireless non functional

I have two Jolla Phones, one with a broken screen. To migrate all data from the broken device to the other I booted them into recovery mode and performed a filesystem level copy (rsync) of the root filesystem /dev/mmcblk0p28 and the /home subvolume.

After adapting the filesystem UUID in /etc/fstab (since I did not reformat or do a blocklevel copy) the new device boots fine with the old data, but when I try to enable WLAN I only get the error message "Networking is not available. Please restart device". Bluetooth works, I have not tried GSM yet.

Where else are hardware specific files which I should keep? Are there other btrfs subvolumes or partitions with that data? Would a blocklevel copy of certain partitions help or would I risk bricking the phone?

Filesystem level clone onto another Jolla Phone leaves wireless non functionalfunctional [Solved: via blocklevel clone]

I have two Jolla Phones, one with a broken screen. To migrate all data from the broken device to the other I booted them into recovery mode and performed a filesystem level copy (rsync) of the root filesystem /dev/mmcblk0p28 and the /home subvolume.

After adapting the filesystem UUID in /etc/fstab (since I did not reformat or do a blocklevel copy) the new device boots fine with the old data, but when I try to enable WLAN I only get the error message "Networking is not available. Please restart device". Bluetooth works, I have not tried GSM yet.

Where else are hardware specific files which I should keep? Are there other btrfs subvolumes or partitions with that data? Would a blocklevel copy of certain partitions help or would I risk bricking the phone?


I gave up on the filesystem level and copied all raw partitions. I initially wanted to follow the partition list peremen posted and only do low-level clones of the non-boot and non-recovery partitions, but I ended up copying all of them in the end. Note that I left /dev/mmcblk0 alone and copied over all the p1-p28 partitions individually (via netcat/nc). The WLAN connections had to be re-entered because the MAC-Address changed, but everything worked. The source phone was on v2.0.1.11, the target phone maybe had that version once, but was reset to 1.x, afterwards I upgraded to