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posted 2017-02-18 11:25:35 +0200

Fingerterm cursor shift after

Can somebody confirm cursor shift in Fingertern 1.3.2 after update? The cursor is left behind about a tenth of the character width so that after 20 chars it is about 2 chars behind the actual position. This worked before update and it works on my Intex which running and the same 1.3.2 version of Fingerterm.

Same in landscape and portrait direction.

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Fingerterm cursor shift after

Can somebody confirm cursor shift in Fingertern 1.3.2 after update? The cursor is left behind about a tenth of the character width so that after 20 chars it is about 2 chars behind the actual position. This worked before update and it works on my Intex which running and the same 1.3.2 version of Fingerterm.

Same in landscape and portrait direction.

This duplicate of the questions: https://together.jolla.com/question/156311/bug-2109-terminal-cursor-position/ https://together.jolla.com/question/24400/bug-terminal-cursor-missalign/

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Fingerterm cursor shift after

Can somebody confirm cursor shift in Fingertern Fingerterm 1.3.2 after update? The cursor is left behind about a tenth of the character width so that after 20 chars it is about 2 chars behind the actual position. This worked before update and it works on my Intex which running and the same 1.3.2 version of Fingerterm.

Same in landscape and portrait direction.

This is a duplicate of the questions: https://together.jolla.com/question/156311/bug-2109-terminal-cursor-position/ https://together.jolla.com/question/24400/bug-terminal-cursor-missalign/

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