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posted 2014-01-16 15:09:21 +0300

suggestion - 2g in idle for saving battery time

I have an idea to increase, in some situations, the battery time; to receive notifications (for example email or whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, etc...) is enough even a slow connection like the 2g one, that have the good effect to increase the battery time. So I have thinked that could be a good idea to use the 2g in idle and in all situations when there aren't need to fast connections (I think sms, calls, offline games etc.), when there are that request (for example after tap on a Facebook notification and open the application/browser) the system switch automatically on the 3g/4g network if available.

What do you think about this?

suggestion - 2g in idle for saving battery time

I have an idea to increase, in some situations, the battery time; to receive notifications (for example email or whatsapp, Facebook, Twitter, etc...) is enough even a slow connection like the 2g one, that have the good effect to increase the battery time. So I have thinked that could be a good idea to use the 2g in idle and in all situations when there aren't need to fast connections (I think sms, calls, offline games etc.), when there are that request (for example after tap on a Facebook notification and open the application/browser) the system switch automatically on the 3g/4g network if available.available. Obviously this must be a selectable option.

What do you think about this?