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posted 2017-05-12 07:55:15 +0200

Adding contact doesn't provide to which Email Account you want to add

I am facing an issue regarding the Add new contact to which mail account , if I have multiple email accounts configured. The feature should prompt to select to which email account do you want to save the new contact , if there is more than 1 account.

Even there should be a field which it shows that this contact is there in particular email account.

Adding contact doesn't provide to which Email Account you want to add

I am facing an issue regarding the Add new contact to which mail account , if I have multiple email accounts configured. The feature should prompt to select to which email account do you want to save the new contact , if there is more than 1 account.

Even there should be a field which it shows that this contact is there in particular email account.

Adding contact doesn't provide to which Email Account you want to add

I am facing an issue regarding the Add new contact to which mail account , if I have multiple email accounts configured. The feature should prompt to select to which email account do you want to save the new contact , if there is more than 1 account.

Even there should be a field which it shows that this contact is there in particular email account.

Adding contact doesn't provide to which Email Account Sync-Account you want to add

I am facing an issue regarding the Add new contact to which mail account online-account , if I have multiple email syncable accounts configured.

The feature should prompt to select to which email account do you want to save the new contact , if there is more than 1 account.

Even there should be a field which it shows that this contact is there in particular email account.