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posted 2017-06-10 15:48:25 +0300

Android updates position only when minimized

Very weird bug. Jolla C with Here Maps (Android app) -- recently (much after my last system update, but I may have updated Maps inbetween) I have noticed that the maps app does not get position updates (it is stuck into "Waiting for GPS" state when I start navigating), but the location is updated whenever I minimize the app with an edge swipe and then restore it.

Any idea for its cause or solution?

Android updates position only when minimized

Very weird bug. Jolla C with Here Maps (Android app) -- recently (much after my last system update, but I may have updated Maps inbetween) I have noticed that the maps app does not get position updates (it is stuck into "Waiting for GPS" state when I start navigating), but the location is updated whenever I minimize the app with an edge swipe and then restore it.

Any idea for its cause or solution? solution?

My location settings are on "high-accuracy positioning" (GPS + online services).