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posted 2017-06-11 01:35:27 +0200

Action needed: GPL Violation!

There are still no sources for Sailfish OS 2.1 available. I already asked on IRC. As I didn't got a reply there I also wrote a letter (tracking Nr. RC 2899 9618 2DE - date of sending April 18 2017) which was successfully delivered at April 25 2017 but you also never replied.

As this is a violation of the GPL I ask you again, this time in public, to give out the sources for SailfishOS 2.1. If you won't do that until July 12 2017 I'm going to inform http://gpl-violations.org and license-violation@gnu.org

Action needed: [Solved] GPL Violation!

There are still no sources for Sailfish OS 2.1 available. I already asked on IRC. As I didn't got a reply there I also wrote a letter (tracking Nr. RC 2899 9618 2DE - date of sending April 18 2017) which was successfully delivered at April 25 2017 but you also never replied.

As this is a violation of the GPL I ask you again, this time in public, to give out the sources for SailfishOS 2.1. If you won't do that until July 12 2017 I'm going to inform http://gpl-violations.org and license-violation@gnu.org