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posted 2017-06-17 21:07:12 +0200

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Edit timed-client-qt5 cookies

In this thread I have learned how to use timed-client-qt5 to schedule jobs as a substitute to cron.

Is there a way to edit cookies / jobs after they have been created?

The command timed-client-qt5 --show displays a list of details of all tickets. Is this information stored somewhere in plain text such that it could be edited directly?

Edit timed-client-qt5 timedclient-qt5 cookies

In this thread I have learned how to use timed-client-qt5 timedclient-qt5 to schedule jobs as a substitute to cron.

Is there a way to edit cookies / jobs after they have been created?

The command timed-client-qt5 timedclient-qt5 --show displays a list of details of all tickets. Is this information stored somewhere in plain text such that it could be edited directly?

Edit timedclient-qt5 cookies

In this thread I have learned how to use timedclient-qt5 to schedule jobs as a substitute to cron.

Is there a way to edit cookies / jobs after they have been created?

The command timedclient-qt5 --show displays a list of details of all tickets. cookies. Is this information stored somewhere in plain text such that it could be edited directly?