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posted 2014-01-17 16:00:37 +0200

TNZ gravatar image

[request] Wifi Tethering commands on multitask screen

Waiting for USB tethering, I use Wifi Tethering from Jolla Store.

The usability is great ... but switching commands on the multi-task screen could help. I mean one to switch on/off wifi tethering and the second to switch on/off bluetooth tethering. For the moment, I must maximize the application and use the pulley menu.


[request] Wifi Tethering commands on multitask screenhome-screen

Waiting for USB tethering, I use Wifi Tethering from Jolla Store.

The usability is great ... but switching commands on the multi-task screen could help. I mean one to switch on/off wifi tethering and the second to switch on/off bluetooth tethering. For the moment, I must maximize the application and use the pulley menu.