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posted 2017-10-26 18:56:08 +0300

Sailfish X: SIM Provider unknown - no mobile services


after booting the Xperia X with my SIM-Card I has to enter the PIN-Code. On this screen is normally on top the name of the Provider ( in my case: O2-de ). But on the Xperia X it is named "unknown". My PIN-Code is accepted, but there are no mobile services available.

When I go to settings -> PIN-Code the screen to enter the PIN-Code shows the number 26207 instead of "unknown". The Pin-Code is accepted either, but no mobile services!

With my Jolla1 the SIM-Card works fine. I have ordered an second Card. Same symptoms :(

Please Help without mobile services the XperiaX is a tablet, no mobile phone!

Sincerely, Helge

Sailfish X: SIM Provider unknown - no mobile services


after booting the Xperia X with my SIM-Card I has to enter the PIN-Code. On this screen is normally on top the name of the Provider ( in my case: O2-de ). But on the Xperia X it is named "unknown". My PIN-Code is accepted, but there are no mobile services available.

When I go to settings -> PIN-Code the screen to enter the PIN-Code shows the number 26207 instead of "unknown". The Pin-Code is accepted either, but no mobile services!

With my Jolla1 the SIM-Card works fine. I have ordered an second Card. Same symptoms :(

Please Help without mobile services the XperiaX is a tablet, no mobile phone!

Sincerely, Helge

Sailfish X: SIM Provider unknown - no mobile services


after booting the Xperia X with my SIM-Card I has to enter the PIN-Code. On this screen is normally on top the name of the Provider ( in my case: O2-de ). But on the Xperia X it is named "unknown". My PIN-Code is accepted, but there are no mobile services available.

When I go to settings -> PIN-Code the screen to enter the PIN-Code shows the number 26207 instead of "unknown". The Pin-Code is accepted either, but no mobile services!

With my Jolla1 the SIM-Card works fine. I have ordered an second Card. Same symptoms :(

Please Help without mobile services the XperiaX is a tablet, no mobile phone!

Sincerely, Helge

Oh no! The new SIM-Card give in the Jolla1 only phone services, no more mobile network. The "unkown"-symptom is now the same as described above for X.

This is a serious problem!

Sailfish X: SIM Provider unknown - no mobile services


after booting the Xperia X with my SIM-Card I has to enter the PIN-Code. On this screen is normally on top the name of the Provider ( in my case: O2-de ). But on the Xperia X it is named "unknown". My PIN-Code is accepted, but there are no mobile services available.

When I go to settings -> PIN-Code the screen to enter the PIN-Code shows the number 26207 instead of "unknown". The Pin-Code is accepted either, but no mobile services!

With my Jolla1 the SIM-Card works fine. I have ordered an second Card. Same symptoms :(

Please Help without mobile services the XperiaX is a tablet, no mobile phone!

Sincerely, Helge

Oh no! The new SIM-Card give in the Jolla1 only phone services, no more mobile network. The "unkown"-symptom is now the same as described above for X.

This is a serious problem!

Sailfish X: (X): SIM Provider unknown - no mobile services

Edit: I reopen this bug because Sailfish forgets the APN settings which I must set manually. After that I must set them again and select the networt manually.

The manual selection of the network is only possible if you know your network - today I was in a foreign country and the Xperia turned to an tablet again. I thing because I didn't knew the righteous network and the corresponding APN settings. No phone, no mobile network! The roaming is not working.


after booting the Xperia X with my SIM-Card I has to enter the PIN-Code. On this screen is normally on top the name of the Provider ( in my case: O2-de ). But on the Xperia X it is named "unknown". My PIN-Code is accepted, but there are no mobile services available.

When I go to settings -> PIN-Code the screen to enter the PIN-Code shows the number 26207 instead of "unknown". The Pin-Code is accepted either, but no mobile services!

With my Jolla1 the SIM-Card works fine. I have ordered an second Card. Same symptoms :(

Please Help without mobile services the XperiaX is a tablet, no mobile phone!

Sincerely, Helge

Oh no! The new SIM-Card give in the Jolla1 only phone services, no more mobile network. The "unkown"-symptom is now the same as described above for X.

This is a serious problem!