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posted 2017-10-29 12:51:30 +0200

[Xperia + Jolla 1] Migrating problems to the xperia

TL;DR: I'm having a hard time migrating to the xperia. Restore backup doesn't work. Any tips?

Hi All,

I have installed Sailfish X on my Xperia. Now I want to transfer/migrate everything (well 99%) of what is on my Jolla 1 tot the Xperia.

I have tried loading the backup on my Xperia but it keeps hanging on importing the messages. So no contacts or call history gets imported.

But if this worked I still have to export the Ambiance, I have all of other half. And how do I export my whatsapp conversations to the new device.

I can't find any guide to help with this. And Jolla doesn't offer any graphical export only import.

I'm probably not the only one with this problem. I think a lot of people with a Jolla 1 are planning to switch.

Best regards, ddh

[Xperia + Jolla 1] Migrating problems to the xperia

TL;DR: I'm having a hard time migrating to the xperia. Restore backup doesn't work. Any tips?

Hi All,

I have installed Sailfish X on my Xperia. Now I want to transfer/migrate everything (well 99%) of what is on my Jolla 1 tot the Xperia.

I have tried loading the backup on my Xperia but it keeps hanging on importing the messages. So no contacts or call history gets imported.

But if this worked I still have to export the Ambiance, I have all of other half. And how do I export my whatsapp conversations to the new device.

I can't find any guide to help with this. And Jolla doesn't offer any graphical export only import.

I'm probably not the only one with this problem. I think a lot of people with a Jolla 1 are planning to switch.

Best regards, ddh

p.s. I'm happy to use cmd and ssh to sync.

[Xperia + Jolla 1] Migrating problems to the xperiaxperia (Update every step)

TL;DR: I'm having a hard time migrating to the xperia. Restore backup doesn't work. Any tips?

Hi All,

I have installed Sailfish X on my Xperia. Now I want to transfer/migrate everything (well 99%) of what is on my Jolla 1 tot the Xperia.

I have tried loading the backup on my Xperia but it keeps hanging on importing the messages. So no contacts or call history gets imported.

But if this worked I still have to export the Ambiance, I have all of other half. And how do I export my whatsapp conversations to the new device.

I can't find any guide to help with this. And Jolla doesn't offer any graphical export only import.

I'm probably not the only one with this problem. I think a lot of people with a Jolla 1 are planning to switch.

Best regards, ddh

p.s. I'm happy to use cmd and ssh to sync.


  1. The "old" ambienses are made to have a architecture. So no joy coping them. Made a bug-report/feature-request for this. @edz had a good comment will try this.
  2. Did a full copy of /home/nemo Between the devices. I copied the content to my PC using scp and uploaded to the Xperia using scp.


  • Restore backup without issues.
  • Copy ambiences
  • Move all user files, Android storrage, downloaded files, documents, ... (Done)

[Xperia + Jolla 1] Migrating problems to the xperia (Update every step)

TL;DR: I'm having a hard time migrating to the xperia. Restore backup doesn't work. Any tips?

Hi All,

I have installed Sailfish X on my Xperia. Now I want to transfer/migrate everything (well 99%) of what is on my Jolla 1 tot the Xperia.

I have tried loading the backup on my Xperia but it keeps hanging on importing the messages. So no contacts or call history gets imported.

But if this worked I still have to export the Ambiance, I have all of other half. And how do I export my whatsapp conversations to the new device.

I can't find any guide to help with this. And Jolla doesn't offer any graphical export only import.

I'm probably not the only one with this problem. I think a lot of people with a Jolla 1 are planning to switch.

Best regards, ddh

p.s. I'm happy to use cmd and ssh to sync.


  1. The "old" ambienses are made to have a architecture. So no joy coping them. Made a bug-report/feature-request for this. @edz had a good comment will try this.
  2. Did a full copy of /home/nemo Between the devices. I copied the content to my PC using scp and uploaded to the Xperia using scp.


  • Restore backup without issues.
  • Copy ambiences
  • [DONE] Move all user files, Android storrage, downloaded files, documents, ... (Done)

[Xperia + Jolla 1] Migrating problems to the xperia (Update every step)

TL;DR: I'm having a hard time migrating to the xperia. Restore backup doesn't work. Any tips?

Hi All,

I have installed Sailfish X on my Xperia. Now I want to transfer/migrate everything (well 99%) of what is on my Jolla 1 tot the Xperia.

I have tried loading the backup on my Xperia but it keeps hanging on importing the messages. So no contacts or call history gets imported.

But if this worked I still have to export the Ambiance, I have all of other half. And how do I export my whatsapp conversations to the new device.

I can't find any guide to help with this. And Jolla doesn't offer any graphical export only import.

I'm probably not the only one with this problem. I think a lot of people with a Jolla 1 are planning to switch.

Best regards, ddh

p.s. I'm happy to use cmd and ssh to sync.


  1. The "old" ambienses are made to have a architecture. So no joy coping them. Made a bug-report/feature-request for this. @edz had a good comment will try this.
  2. Did a full copy of /home/nemo Between the devices. I copied the content to my PC using scp and uploaded to the Xperia using scp.


  • Restore backup without issues.
  • Copy ambiences
  • [DONE] Move all user files, Android storrage, downloaded files, documents, ... ...

Ad 1.

I was able get a logfile from the backup restore process.
cat sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z_restore_log.txt 
Status = Preparing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
[UI] Preparing to restore files from /media/sdcard/7CAA-1741/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z.tar                                                                                                                                                                          
Preparing to restore units: Accounts, Browser, Calendar, Gallery, Media, Messages, Notes, People, Phone from /media/sdcard/7CAA-1741/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z.tar                                                                                                  
Status = LoadingArchive                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
[UI] Extracting data from backup file                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Start: tar --exclude */*/*/* -tf /media/sdcard/7CAA-1741/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z.tar                                                                                                                                                                              
Done: tar [OK]                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Standard out was:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Mount archive /media/sdcard/7CAA-1741/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z.tar to /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z                                                                                             
Start: archivemount -o allow_other -o nosave /media/sdcard/7CAA-1741/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z.tar /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z                                                                 
Done: archivemount [FAILED] Exit code: 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Standard error was:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
fuse: mountpoint is not empty                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
fuse: if you are sure this is safe, use the 'nonempty' mount option                                                                                                                                                                                                            

[ERROR] 3 Process exited with non-zero exit code or status, quitting.                                                                                                                                                                                                          
Status = Finalizing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            
[UI] Finalising operation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
Unmount /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z
Start: fusermount -u /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z
Done: fusermount [FAILED] Exit code: 1
Standard error was:
fusermount: failed to unmount /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z: Device or resource busy

Ignoring fusermount process failure on cleanup
Status = Finished
Removing working files in /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z
wser/data --home-dir /home/nemo
Done: vault-browser [OK]
Status = UnitScriptFinished
Running unit script Calendar (3 of 9)
Status = UnitScriptStarted
[UI] Reading data
Start: /usr/libexec/jolla-vault/units/vault-calendar --action import --name Calendar --bin-dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z/Calendar/blobs --dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z/Calendar/data --home-dir /home/nemo
Done: vault-calendar [OK]
Status = UnitScriptFinished
Running unit script Gallery (4 of 9)
Status = UnitScriptStarted
[UI] Reading data
Start: /usr/libexec/jolla-vault/units/vault-gallery --action import --name Gallery --bin-dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z/Gallery/blobs --dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z/Gallery/data --home-dir /home/nemo
Done: vault-gallery [OK]
Status = UnitScriptFinished
Running unit script Media (5 of 9)
Status = UnitScriptStarted
[UI] Reading data
Start: /usr/libexec/jolla-mediaplayer/vault-mediaplayer --action import --name Media --bin-dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z/Media/blobs --dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z/Media/data --home-dir /home/nemo
Done: vault-mediaplayer [OK]
Status = UnitScriptFinished
Running unit script Messages (6 of 9)
Status = UnitScriptStarted
[UI] Reading data
Start: /usr/libexec/jolla-vault/units/vault-messages --action import --name Messages --bin-dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z/Messages/blobs --dir /home/nemo/.local/share/system/privileged/Backups-tmp/mount/sailfish_backup_2017-10-29T10-33-49Z/Messages/data --home-dir /home/nemo

On to the next step.