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posted 2017-11-02 22:55:19 +0200

Camera taking grey photos


I have noticed that I have two photos in my Sailfishx gallery that are 90% greyed out, with only a small amount of photo shown on the right hand side. This has affected both front and rear cameras. See photo below (rotated for some reason).

Most photos are fine, albeit X focusing issue, but curious as to why this occasionally happens.

Is anyone seeing this happen?



Camera taking grey photos


I have noticed that I have two photos in my Sailfishx gallery that are 90% greyed out, with only a small amount of photo shown on the right hand side. This has affected both front and rear cameras. See photo below (rotated for some reason).

Most photos are fine, albeit X focusing issue, but curious as to why this occasionally happens.

Is anyone seeing this happen?happen too?



Camera taking grey photos


I have noticed that I have two photos in my Sailfishx gallery that are 90% greyed out, with only a small amount of photo shown on the right hand side. This has affected both front and rear cameras. See photo below (rotated for some reason).

Most photos are fine, albeit X focusing issue, but curious as to why this occasionally happens.

Is anyone seeing this happen too?

UPDATE. Corrupted grey photo, later became fine on its own, but other photos that were fine now have grey on them?! See example below. Both images are the same, the grey one was initially displayed and later the photo became viewable in full.


