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posted 2014-01-19 23:58:37 +0200

Number of Favorites Ambiances

Hey there everyone, so, I know it's not something does but...I have a lot of Ambiances ( I do enjoy this feature a lot ) and the other day, I saw that I couldn't add anymore my Ambiances to the favorite Ambiances group, the maximum number is 18...So..Would it be possible to see that number increasing ? Thanks =).

Number of Favorites Ambiances

Hey there everyone, so, I know it's not something does but...I have a lot of Ambiances ( I do enjoy this feature a lot ) and the other day, I saw that I couldn't add anymore my Ambiances to the favorite Ambiances group, the maximum number is 18...So..Would it be possible to see that number increasing ? Thanks =).

Number of Favorites Ambiances

Hey there everyone, so, I know it's not something does but...I have a lot of Ambiances ( I do enjoy this feature a lot ) and the other day, I saw that I couldn't add anymore my Ambiances to the favorite Ambiances group, the maximum number is 18...So..Would it be possible to see that number increasing ? Thanks =).

Number of Favorites AmbiancesFavourites Ambiences

Hey there everyone, so, I know it's not something does but...I have a lot of Ambiances ( I do enjoy this feature a lot ) and the other day, I saw that I couldn't add anymore my Ambiances to the favorite Ambiances group, the maximum number is 18...So..Would it be possible to see that number increasing ? Thanks =).