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posted 2014-01-20 09:29:01 +0200

How to see a version history of content in together.jolla.com

As far as I understand this forum is made for (at least) two different aims:

  1. Provide a platform to ask questions and
  2. Provide a platform to collect information regarding a specific topic on a single place (aka Wiki). These articles could be done by different users together.

At least for the second case (but also for the first one) it would be really helpful to see a version history and have the ability to compare different versions of a text. Followers of a question will get already a 'diff' if someone changes parts of the question / answer / comment.

Please provide a version history like Media Wiki or Wordpress does.

How to see a version history of content in together.jolla.comtogether.jolla.com?

As far as I understand this forum is made for (at least) two different aims:

  1. Provide a platform to ask questions and
  2. Provide a platform to collect information regarding a specific topic on a single place (aka Wiki). These articles could be done by different users together.

At least for the second case (but also for the first one) it would be really helpful to see a version history and have the ability to compare different versions of a text. Followers of a question will get already a 'diff' if someone changes parts of the question / answer / comment.

Please provide a version history like Media Wiki or Wordpress does.

How to see a version history of content in together.jolla.com?

As far as I understand this forum is made for (at least) two different aims:

  1. Provide a platform to ask questions and
  2. Provide a platform to collect information regarding a specific topic on a single place (aka Wiki). These articles could be done by different users together.

At least for the second case (but also for the first one) it would be really helpful to see a version history and have the ability to compare different versions of a text. Followers of a question will get already a 'diff' if someone changes parts of the question / answer / comment.

Please provide a version history like Media Wiki or Wordpress does.