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posted 2017-12-09 16:49:48 +0200

Attach arbitrary files

Can you please add a way to attach arbitrary files to emails?

I'm repeatedly having quite a hard time to attach data (e.g. a simple .ogg file) to an email, due to the fact that only tracker-registered files are available to choose.

I'd consider a directory based file selection a basic functionality and would be happy if you implemented a solution here. Thank you.

Attach arbitrary files

Can you please add a way to attach arbitrary files to emails?

I'm repeatedly having quite a hard time to attach data (e.g. a simple .ogg file) to an email, due to the fact that only tracker-registered files are available to choose.

I'd consider a directory based file selection a basic functionality and would be happy if you implemented a solution here. Thank you.

EDIT: For those who are also unhappy with this situation, use FileCase until it is solved. It allows emailing any file via the SHARE button.