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posted 2018-01-07 16:05:48 +0200

[Xperia X] receiving calls take too long to show up on screen

When receiving calls on Xperia X the screen takes too long to show the call.

After vibrating in the pocket i take the phone in my hand and the screen ist black and the phone is vibrating for about 1 or 2 seconds until the screen activates and shows who is calling. On Jolla1 it did not take that long! Does it have to do something with the sensores that take too long to react, or is that just a value you have to change in the programming? It could be a Problem when the sound is set to loud and you can not take the call fast because of the black screen! It makes the feel of the System and the phone it self veeeeeery slow!

will this get fixed soon?

[Xperia X] receiving calls take too long to show up on screenscreen [released in]

When receiving calls on Xperia X the screen takes too long to show the call.

After vibrating in the pocket i take the phone in my hand and the screen ist black and the phone is vibrating for about 1 or 2 seconds until the screen activates and shows who is calling. On Jolla1 it did not take that long! Does it have to do something with the sensores that take too long to react, or is that just a value you have to change in the programming? It could be a Problem when the sound is set to loud and you can not take the call fast because of the black screen! It makes the feel of the System and the phone it self veeeeeery slow!

will this get fixed soon?