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posted 2018-01-14 10:22:53 +0200

What does `mcetool -searly` do if early suspend is not supported on the system? (and similar issues)

I'm running SailfishOS on my OnePlus 3. The kernel is affected by the removal of the early suspend by Google [1]

Running mcetool -searly as described in the SailfishOS cheat sheet results in no error. Still, journal doesn't mention any suspends (I was told that when the device suspends the apps to RAM, there's a relevant entry in the journal I didn't have the time to verify this manually) This suspend policy is certainly different from mcetool -sdisabled, since the battery life on the latter was significantly worse than on the former.

Hence the question: what does mcetool -searly do if the kernel doesn't support early-suspends? In particular, if it has no effect, why is no error thrown?

[1] https://plus.google.com/111524780435806926688/posts/RCV8EP3hFEm

What does `mcetool -searly` do if early suspend is not supported on by the system? (and similar issues)kernel?

I'm running SailfishOS on my OnePlus 3. The kernel is affected by the removal of the early suspend by Google [1]

Running mcetool -searly as described in the SailfishOS cheat sheet results in no error. Still, journal doesn't mention any suspends (I was told that when the device suspends the apps to RAM, there's a relevant entry in the journal I didn't have the time to verify this manually) This suspend policy is certainly different from mcetool -sdisabled, since the battery life on the latter was significantly worse than on the former.

Hence the question: what does mcetool -searly do if the kernel doesn't support early-suspends? In particular, if it has no effect, why is no error thrown?

[1] https://plus.google.com/111524780435806926688/posts/RCV8EP3hFEm