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posted 2018-02-09 15:51:04 +0200

Sailfish 3 - On it's way?

A Finnish mobile news site wrote that they've got some information from Jolla that Sailfish 3 will be announced, sounds exciting!

Here's the original article: Jolla julkistamassa Sailfish 3:n ja uusia laitteita helmikuun lopulla

And Google Translated content:

Finnish Jolla has announced that they will be organizing an announcement on Monday 26 February at the Mobile World Congress. According to Jolla, Sailfish 3, the next generation of its Sailfish OS, and "a number of new interesting Sailfish devices" are promised. New devices are most likely to come from Jolla's partners. In addition, Jolla will provide updates on Sailfish licensing and technology development with partners, including blockchains and business solutions. Jolla's event will be held on 26 February at 12.30 Finnish time.

Sailfish 3 - On it's way?Q3/2018

A Finnish mobile news site wrote that they've got some information from Jolla that Sailfish 3 will be announced, sounds exciting!

Here's the original article: Jolla julkistamassa Sailfish 3:n ja uusia laitteita helmikuun lopulla

And Google Translated content:

Finnish Jolla has announced that they will be organizing an announcement on Monday 26 February at the Mobile World Congress. According to Jolla, Sailfish 3, the next generation of its Sailfish OS, and "a number of new interesting Sailfish devices" are promised. New devices are most likely to come from Jolla's partners. In addition, Jolla will provide updates on Sailfish licensing and technology development with partners, including blockchains and business solutions. Jolla's event will be held on 26 February at 12.30 Finnish time.

UPDATE 2018-02-26: Sailfish 3 roadmap and initial release schedule released: https://jolla.com/sailfish3/

Sailfish 3 - Q3/2018

A Finnish mobile news site wrote that they've got some information from Jolla that Sailfish 3 will be announced, sounds exciting!

Here's the original article: Jolla julkistamassa Sailfish 3:n ja uusia laitteita helmikuun lopulla

And Google Translated content:

Finnish Jolla has announced that they will be organizing an announcement on Monday 26 February at the Mobile World Congress. According to Jolla, Sailfish 3, the next generation of its Sailfish OS, and "a number of new interesting Sailfish devices" are promised. New devices are most likely to come from Jolla's partners. In addition, Jolla will provide updates on Sailfish licensing and technology development with partners, including blockchains and business solutions. Jolla's event will be held on 26 February at 12.30 Finnish time.

UPDATE 2018-02-26: Sailfish 3 roadmap and initial release schedule released: https://jolla.com/sailfish3/