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posted 2018-02-17 21:56:47 +0300

A Rather Annoying Glitch with Nano


Am I the only one experiencing issues with nano? I had this on my JP1301 and now on my SailfishX.

After editing a file for a while the cursor starts jumping in the actual line. The data is (visually) scrambled. Quitting and restarting nano helps but the issue returns more rapidly with every cycle. Closing the CLI is of a better help but only for a while. The bigger the file or the more keystrokes the more quicker it starts failing.

LVPVS over.

A Rather Annoying Glitch with NanoNano / Vi (scrambled text)


Am I the only one experiencing issues with nano? I had this on my JP1301 and now on my SailfishX.

After editing a file for a while the cursor starts jumping in the actual line. The data is (visually) scrambled. Quitting and restarting nano helps but the issue returns more rapidly with every cycle. Closing the CLI is of a better help but only for a while. The bigger the file or the more keystrokes the more quicker it starts failing.

LVPVS over.

--edit: happens also with vi (on XA2, SFOS 3.2.1)