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initial version

posted 2018-02-27 21:30:00 +0300

Weather service in events view refresh

Hello, the update to 2.1.4 introduced weather refresh, which is cool, but it is refreshed every time I access the view. This is ok when I'm connected to the network but as soon as I disconnect the weather forecast disappears. There should definitely be some time between removing the forecast because it's outdated.

Weather service in events view refresh

Hello, the update to 2.1.4 introduced weather refresh, which is cool, but it is refreshed every time I access the view. This is ok when I'm connected to the network but as soon as I disconnect the weather forecast disappears. There should definitely be some time between removing the forecast because it's outdated.

UPDATE 01.06.2018

Still the same behavior with version 2.2.0

as soon as I'm not connected, the weather forecast is not displayed... weather info