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posted 2018-03-18 01:24:01 +0200

Best way to format sd card to BTRFS for Sailfish X

I've been using a 256GB microSD card formatted with UDF with Sailfish X for awhile now to store my music (flac format, about 220 GB of music total), but recently about every week the card gets corrupted where the files are lost and I have to reformat and re-copy the flacs to it to fix (I know I'm beyond the supported card size, so not surprised).

Since the new update formally brings BTRFS support, I would like to try that format on my sd card to see if it has any better luck with the corruption issue.

Researching on the right way to format for Sailfish X has been challenging. The best link I can find is written below for Jolla phone and older versions/hardware several years ago. I'm not sure the steps are still applicable?


I was wondering if anyone had successfully formatted a microsd card to BTRFS for Sailfish X, and if so could share the way they did it?

Best way to format sd card to BTRFS for Sailfish XX ?

I've been using a 256GB microSD card formatted with UDF with Sailfish X for awhile now to store my music (flac format, about 220 GB of music total), but recently about every week the card gets corrupted where the files are lost and I have to reformat and re-copy the flacs to it to fix (I know I'm beyond the supported card size, so not surprised).

Since the new update formally brings BTRFS support, I would like to try that format on my sd card to see if it has any better luck with the corruption issue.

Researching on the right way to format for Sailfish X has been challenging. The best link I can find is written below for Jolla phone and older versions/hardware several years ago. I'm not sure the steps are still applicable?


I was wondering if anyone had successfully formatted a microsd card to BTRFS for Sailfish X, and if so could share the way they did it?

Best way to format sd card to BTRFS for Sailfish X ?

I've been using a 256GB microSD card formatted with UDF with Sailfish X for awhile now to store my music (flac format, about 220 GB of music total), but recently about every week the card gets corrupted where the files are lost and I have to reformat and re-copy the flacs to it to fix (I know I'm beyond the supported card size, so not surprised).

Since the new update formally brings BTRFS support, I would like to try that format on my sd card to see if it has any better luck with the corruption issue.

Researching on the right way to format for Sailfish X has been challenging. The best link I can find is written below for Jolla phone and older versions/hardware several years ago. I'm not sure the steps are still applicable?


I was wondering if anyone had successfully formatted a microsd card to BTRFS for Sailfish X, and if so could share the way they did it? I have access to Virtual Box linux images, just wan't sure about the mounting and commands used in the link above for Sailfish X.