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posted 2018-03-31 17:29:54 +0200

Aliendalvik cannot access images obtained via Bluetooth

I have tried to receive an image from a nearby phone over Bluetooth and then forward it to a contact via Whatsapp, but this does not work because the image has the wrong UNIX permissions: -rw-rw---- 1 nemo privileged.

When I try to access it in Whatsapp, I get simply a "broken image" icon. Either the group should be changed, or the permissions set differently.

Aliendalvik cannot access images obtained via BluetoothWrong permissions for Bluetooth-received images

I have tried to receive forward via Whatsapp an image that I have received from a nearby phone over Bluetooth and then forward it to a contact via Whatsapp, but this does not work because Bluetooth. However, Whatsapp cannot access the image as it has the wrong following UNIX permissions: -rw-rw---- 1 nemo privileged.

. When I try to access it in Whatsapp, I get simply a "broken image" icon. icon and see nothing. The problem goes away if I change the UNIX permissions of the image.

Either the group should be changed, or the permissions set differently.