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posted 2013-12-25 22:33:40 +0200

suggestion: one handed zoom gesture in browser, gallery, etc

Since sailfish ui uses taps to show / hide controls in maps and gallery etc , one finger zoom gesture would be ideal. Heres an idea: hold finger down, zoom up/down arrows show up and sliding your finger up or down change the zoom speed analogically. The point where longpress started, determines the point to zoom at.

suggestion: one handed zoom gesture in browser, gallery, etc

Since sailfish ui uses taps to show / hide controls in maps and gallery etc , one finger zoom gesture would be ideal. Heres an idea: hold finger down, zoom up/down arrows show up and sliding your finger up or down change the zoom speed analogically. The point where longpress started, determines the point to zoom at.

suggestion: one handed zoom gesture in browser, gallery, etc

Since sailfish ui uses taps to show / hide controls in maps and gallery etc , one finger zoom gesture would be ideal. Heres an idea: hold finger down, zoom up/down arrows show up and sliding your finger up or down change the zoom speed analogically. The point where longpress started, determines the point to zoom at.

suggestion: one handed zoom gesture in browser, gallery, etc

Since sailfish ui uses taps to show / hide controls in maps and gallery etc , one finger zoom gesture would be ideal. Heres an idea: hold finger down, zoom up/down arrows show up and sliding your finger up or down change the zoom speed analogically. The point where longpress started, determines the point to zoom at.

NOTE: Throw your votes over there, so mods can delete this dup if desired: https://together.jolla.com/question/9248/zoom-with-1-finger-1-hand-to-hold-and-do-the-gesture/

suggestion: one handed zoom gesture in browser, gallery, etc

Since sailfish ui uses taps to show / hide controls in maps and gallery etc , one finger zoom gesture would be ideal. Heres an idea: hold finger down, zoom up/down arrows show up and sliding your finger up or down change the zoom speed analogically. The point where longpress started, determines the point to zoom at.

NOTE: Throw your votes over there, so mods can delete this dup if desired: https://together.jolla.com/question/9248/zoom-with-1-finger-1-hand-to-hold-and-do-the-gesture/