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initial version

posted 2013-12-25 22:52:27 +0300

Function in together.jolla.com to mark duplicate entries

As the base of entries in together.jolla.com grows fast, there are more and more duplicate entries as users don't properly search existing base.

Add "mark as duplicate" function to together.jolla.com with field to enter referenced existing entry

Function in together.jolla.com to mark duplicate entries

As the base of entries in together.jolla.com grows fast, there are more and more duplicate entries as users don't properly search existing base.

Add "mark as duplicate" function to together.jolla.com with field to enter referenced existing entry

Function in together.jolla.com to mark duplicate entries

As the base of entries in together.jolla.com grows fast, there are more and more duplicate entries as users don't properly search existing base.

Add "mark as duplicate" function to together.jolla.com with field to enter referenced existing entry

Function in together.jolla.com to mark duplicate entries

As the base of entries in together.jolla.com grows fast, there are more and more duplicate entries as users don't properly search existing base.

Add "mark as duplicate" function to together.jolla.com with field to enter referenced existing entry