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posted 2018-06-28 14:55:26 +0200

Tired of cover art filling your galerie of pictures?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['~', '.o', '.la', '.lo', '.loT', '.in', '.csproj', '.m4', '.rej', '.gmo', '.orig', '.pc', '.omf' , '.aux', '.tmp', '.po', '.vmdk', '.vm', '.nvram', '.part', '.rcore', ' .lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '##', '~$.doc?', '~$.dot? ', '~$.xls?', '~$.xlt?', '~$.xlam', '~$.ppt?', '~$.pot?', '~$.ppam', '~$. ppsm', '~$.ppsx', '~$.vsd?', '~$.vss?', '~$.vst?', '.desktop', '*.directory']"

Let us add Folder.* and cover.* to be ignored from now on. This is done by gsettings set as follows - I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and cover.jpg to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one.

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.

Tired of cover art filling your galerie of pictures?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as folder.jpg AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArtBig.jpg, Folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['~', '.o', '.la', '.lo', '.loT', '.in', '.csproj', '.m4', '.rej', '.gmo', '.orig', '.pc', '.omf' , '.aux', '.tmp', '.po', '.vmdk', '.vm', '.nvram', '.part', '.rcore', ' .lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '##', '~$.doc?', '~$.dot? ', '~$.xls?', '~$.xlt?', '~$.xlam', '~$.ppt?', '~$.pot?', '~$.ppam', '~$. ppsm', '~$.ppsx', '~$.vsd?', '~$.vss?', '~$.vst?', '.desktop', '*.directory']"

Let us add Folder.* and cover.* to be ignored from now on. This is done by gsettings set as follows - I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and cover.jpg so on to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value. value to the string of to be i´gnored files. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one.

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*']"
'cover.*, 'AlbumArt*.*'']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.

Tired of cover art filling your galerie of pictures?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArtBig.jpg, Folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['~', '.o', '.la', '.lo', '.loT', '.in', '.csproj', '.m4', '.rej', '.gmo', '.orig', '.pc', '.omf' , '.aux', '.tmp', '.po', '.vmdk', '.vm', '.nvram', '.part', '.rcore', ' .lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '##', '~$.doc?', '~$.dot? ', '~$.xls?', '~$.xlt?', '~$.xlam', '~$.ppt?', '~$.pot?', '~$.ppam', '~$. ppsm', '~$.ppsx', '~$.vsd?', '~$.vss?', '~$.vst?', '.desktop', '*.directory']"

Let us I will add AlbumArt., Folder.* and cover.* to be ignored from now on. This is done by gsettings set as follows - I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and so on to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value to the string of to be i´gnored files. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one.one. This is done by gsettings set as follows:

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*, 'AlbumArt*.*'']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.

Tired of cover art filling your galerie of pictures?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArtBig.jpg, Folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['~', '.o', '.la', '.lo', '.loT', '.in', '.csproj', '.m4', '.rej', '.gmo', '.orig', '.pc', '.omf' "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '.aux', '.tmp', '.po', '.vmdk', '.vm', '.nvram', '.part', '.rcore', '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' .lzo', *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '##', '~$.doc?', '~$.dot? '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$.xls?', '~$.xlt?', '~$.xlam', '~$.ppt?', '~$.pot?', '~$.ppam', '~$. '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$.ppsx', '~$.vsd?', '~$.vss?', '~$.vst?', '.desktop', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory']"

I will add AlbumArt.AlbumArt*.*, Folder.* Folder.* and cover.* cover.* to be ignored from now on. I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and so on to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value to the string of to be i´gnored files. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one. This is done by gsettings set as follows:

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*, 'AlbumArt*.*'']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.

Tired of cover album art filling your galerie of pictures?photo gallery?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArtBig.jpg, Folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory']"

I will add AlbumArt*.*, Folder.* and cover.* to be ignored from now on. I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and so on to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value to the string of to be i´gnored files. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one. This is done by gsettings set as follows:

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*, 'AlbumArt*.*'']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.

Tired of album art filling your photo gallery?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArtBig.jpg, Folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory']"

I will add AlbumArt*.*, Folder.* and cover.* to be ignored from now on. I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and so on to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value to the string of to be i´gnored files. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one. This is done by gsettings set as follows:

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*, 'AlbumArt*.*'']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.

Tired of album art filling your photo gallery?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArtBig.jpg, Folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory']"

I will add AlbumArt*.*, Folder.* and cover.* to be ignored from now on. I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and so on to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value to the string of to be i´gnored files. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one. This is done by gsettings set as follows:

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*, 'AlbumArt*.*'']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.

Tired of album art filling your photo gallery?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArtBig.jpg, Folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory']"

I will add AlbumArt*.*, Folder.* and cover.* to be ignored from now on. I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and so on to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value to the string of to be i´gnored files. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one. This is done by gsettings set as follows:

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*, 'cover.*', 'AlbumArt*.*']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.

[Solved by Update 2.2.1] Tired of album art filling your photo gallery?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArtBig.jpg, Folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory']"

I will add AlbumArt*.*, Folder.* and cover.* to be ignored from now on. I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and so on to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value to the string of to be i´gnored files. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one. This is done by gsettings set as follows:

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*', 'AlbumArt*.*']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.

[Solved by Update 2.2.1] Tired of album art filling your photo gallery?

I'm annoyed because the tracker in the picture gallery shows me all covers of the music albums. They are available as AlbumArtSmall.jpg, AlbumArtBig.jpg, Folder.jpg or cover.jpg. I don't want to delete them, especially since I synchronize the entire music storage between my mobile phone, desktop PC and my NAS using resilio sync. If I put them out on the phone, they'd be gone on the other devices.

As nemo using a terminal do

 gsettings list-recursively | grep -i org.freedesktop.Tracker | sort | uniq

Find the line org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-directories-with-content. It will tell you, which files are ignored by tracker. Mine reads like this:

gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory']"

I will add AlbumArt*.*, Folder.* and cover.* to be ignored from now on. I use placeholders for the filetypes, as Folder.* to match Folder.jpg, Folder.png - I guess I will never use media files like this that should be found by tracker. You may want to use Folder.jpg and so on to be more precise then I am. PS: as far as I know, you can't add a single value to the string of to be i´gnored files. You have to give the command the full value, i.e. the old part supplemented by the new one. This is done by gsettings set as follows:

 gsettings set org.freedesktop.Tracker.Miner.Files ignored-files "['*~', '*.o', '*.la', '*.lo', '*.loT', '*.in', '*.csproj', '*.m4', '*.rej', '*.gmo', '*.orig', '*.pc', '*.omf' , '*.aux', '*.tmp', '*.po', '*.vmdk', '*.vm*', '*.nvram', '*.part', '*.rcore', ' *.lzo', 'autom4te', 'conftest', 'confstat', 'Makefile', 'SCCS', 'ltmain.sh', 'li btool', 'config.status', 'confdefs.h', 'configure', '#*#', '~$*.doc?', '~$*.dot? ', '~$*.xls?', '~$*.xlt?', '~$*.xlam', '~$*.ppt?', '~$*.pot?', '~$*.ppam', '~$*. ppsm', '~$*.ppsx', '~$*.vsd?', '~$*.vss?', '~$*.vst?', '*.desktop', '*.directory', 'Folder.*', 'cover.*', 'AlbumArt*.*']"

Use Sailfish Utilities to reset trackers database.