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posted 2018-06-29 14:58:44 +0200

Native mail chat app available for Sailfish OS?

I've recently come across a mail chat app called "delta chat" on F-Droid. Mail chat means that email conversations are conditioned/layouted by an app so they look like a messenger chat (like whatsapp, threema etc.).

I loved it as it is an open source project and it is open standard (concerning the app), i.e. does not require people having the same app. They can just stay with their mail program or another app doing mail chat, e.g. Mailtime (which I didn't try). Additionaly it features end-to-end-encryption, key handling and key sharing via QR-Codes.

All in all this app/technique seems what messenging should be like in a "better" internet.

Long introduction, now the question: Is there anything similar as native Sailfish app? AlienDalivk apps tend to have notification issues or delays due to the lack of push-notifications.

Native mail chat app available for Sailfish OS?

I've recently come across a mail chat app called "delta chat" on F-Droid. Mail chat means that email conversations are conditioned/layouted by an app so they look like a messenger chat (like whatsapp, threema etc.).

I loved it as it is an open source project and it is open standard (concerning the app), i.e. does not require people having the same app. They can just stay with their mail program or another app doing mail chat, e.g. Mailtime (which I didn't try). try). No need for a phone number, no address book upload. Additionaly it features end-to-end-encryption, key handling and key sharing via QR-Codes.

All in all this app/technique seems what messenging should be like in a "better" internet.

Long introduction, now the question: Is there anything similar as native Sailfish app? AlienDalivk apps tend to have notification issues or delays due to the lack of push-notifications.

Native mail chat app available for Sailfish OS?

I've recently come across a mail chat app called "delta chat" on F-Droid. Mail chat means that email conversations are conditioned/layouted by an app so they look like a messenger chat (like whatsapp, threema etc.).

I loved it as it is an open source project and it is open standard (concerning the app), i.e. does not require people having the same app. They can just stay with their mail program or another app doing mail chat, e.g. Mailtime (which I didn't try). No need for a phone number, no address book upload. Additionaly it features end-to-end-encryption, key handling and key sharing via QR-Codes.

All in all this app/technique seems what messenging should be like in a "better" internet.

Long introduction, now the question: Is there anything similar as native Sailfish app? AlienDalivk apps tend to have notification issues or delays due to the lack of push-notifications.