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posted 2014-01-23 09:14:29 +0300

Suggestion: Add confirmation before installing APK file (or rpm packages)

I installed some Android apps via downloading them into my server and browsing the link through the browser. While installation worked, but the problem is: there was no confirmation before installation. If the APK file was not came from trusted source, and if it actually contained malware, I might install that anyway as there was no confirmation step before installation. To prevent unwanted installation or reviewing package contents, there should be at least a prompt before installing a new APK package.

For RPM packages I didn't installed them using this way, so I am not sure that there is some kind of confirmation. If there is not, it should be added anyway.

Suggestion: Add confirmation before installing APK file (or rpm packages)

I installed some Android apps via downloading them into my server and browsing the link through the browser. While installation worked, but the problem is: there was no confirmation before installation. If the APK file was not came from trusted source, and if it actually contained malware, I might install that anyway as there was no confirmation step before installation. To prevent unwanted installation or reviewing review package contents, contents before install, there should be at least a prompt before installing a new APK package.

For RPM packages I didn't installed them using this way, so I am not sure that there is some kind of confirmation. If there is not, it should be added anyway.