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posted 2014-01-23 12:52:32 +0200

Bug: search by multiple bugs doesn't work in Together

Search by multiple tags still does not work when using the search-box in Tags-section of Together: https://together.jolla.com/tags/ You can try typing "bug email" to the search-field, and see how you don't get any results, eventhough there are 72 quesions that have both of these tags.

Bug: search by multiple bugs tags doesn't work in Together

Search by multiple tags still does not work when using the search-box in Tags-section of Together: https://together.jolla.com/tags/ You can try typing "bug email" to the search-field, and see how you don't get any results, eventhough there are 72 quesions that have both of these tags.

Bug: search by multiple tags doesn't work in Together

Search by multiple tags still does not work in Together-forum e.g. when using the search-box in Tags-section of Together: Tags-section: https://together.jolla.com/tags/ You can try this typing "bug email" to the search-field, and see how you don't get any results, eventhough there are 72 quesions that have both of these tags.