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posted 2018-10-25 14:26:11 +0200

Problem with (shared) Google calendars


I am using some shared Google calendars and observed some problems so far:

  • Wenn somebody else deletes one appointment of a reoccurring event and sync it, then somehow the reoccurring event still remains and is added to another shared calendar, i.e. it exists twice.

Is there anybody with similar problems? Or an idea? I searched for similar scenarios, but have not found anything.


Problem with (shared) Google calendars


I am using some shared Google calendars and observed some problems so far:

  • Wenn somebody else deletes one appointment of a reoccurring event and sync it, then somehow the reoccurring event still remains and is added to another shared calendar, i.e. it exists twice.

Is there anybody with similar problems? Or an idea? I searched for similar scenarios, but have not found anything.anything. Since I have problems with contact sync as well, the probability of a SailfishOS problem is high.


Problem with (shared) Google calendars


I am using some shared Google calendars and observed some problems so far:

  • Wenn somebody else deletes one appointment of a reoccurring event and sync it, then somehow the reoccurring event still remains and is added to another shared calendar, i.e. it exists twice.

Is there anybody with similar problems? Or an idea? I searched for similar scenarios, but have not found anything. Since I have problems with contact sync as well, the probability of a SailfishOS 2.2 problem is high.


Problem with (shared) Google calendars


I am using some shared Google calendars and observed some problems so far:

  • Wenn somebody else deletes one appointment of a reoccurring event and sync it, then somehow the reoccurring event still remains and is added to another shared calendar, i.e. it exists twice.

Is there anybody with similar problems? Or an idea? I searched for similar scenarios, but have not found anything. Since I have problems with contact sync as well, the probability of a SailfishOS 2.2 problem is high.


Problem with (shared) Google calendars


I am using some shared Google calendars and observed some problems so far:

  • Wenn somebody else deletes one appointment of a reoccurring event and sync it, then somehow the reoccurring event still remains and is added to another shared calendar, i.e. it exists twice.
  • For some shared calendars: if one event is added by another user to Calendar X, it will be added to Calendar Y after some time.

Upade: I added new artifact.

Is there anybody with similar problems? Or an idea? I searched for similar scenarios, but have not found anything. Since I have problems with contact sync as well, the probability of a SailfishOS 2.2 problem is high.


Problem with (shared) Google calendars


I am using some shared Google calendars and observed some problems a problem so far:

  • Wenn somebody else deletes one appointment of a reoccurring event and sync it, then somehow the reoccurring event still remains and is added to another shared calendar, i.e. it exists twice.
  • For some shared calendars: if If one event is added by another user to Calendar X, it will be added to SailfishOS' calendar app shows the event twice: in Calendar Y after some time. X and another Y.

Upade: I added new artifact.Improved my observations.

Is there anybody with similar problems? Or an idea? I searched for similar scenarios, but have not found anything. Since I have problems with contact sync as well, the probability of a SailfishOS 2.2 problem is high.problems?


Problem with (shared) Google calendars


I am using some shared Google calendars and observed a problem so far:

  • If one event is added by another user to Calendar X, SailfishOS' SailfishOS 2.2's calendar app shows the event twice: in Calendar X and another Y.

Upade: Improved my observations.

Is there anybody with similar problems?
