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posted 2018-11-04 21:27:51 +0200

[i18n] German translation for "Top menu"

Hi sailors,

with SFOS 3 we got a new feature called "top menu".

I have a hard time to translate this name into German. For now I settled with "Oberes Menü", which sounds a bit clunky in my taste. There are suggestions to call it "Top Menü", but it just does not feel right to me.

So here is a wiki post in order to suggest and vote for a good translation.

I don't really know how long this should be open for voting, because this is the first time I do this.

  • One week?
  • Two weeks?
  • One month?

It would be nice if we could get some "standard" done for things like this, so the community get's more involved as in just posting some suggestions on pootle.

If it works well, I would like to do it for other translations as well.