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posted 2018-11-26 11:18:56 +0200

Wifi password form is a modal dialog

And it cant even be swiped away and sent to bg. So the usual workflow "Take picture of wifi details -> swap between form and picture to enter the password" becomes impossible. There's also no special reason why wifi password input should block everything until accepted or canceled, right?

Wifi password form is a modal dialog

And it cant even be swiped away and sent to bg. So the usual workflow "Take picture of wifi details -> swap between form and picture to enter the password" becomes impossible. There's also no special reason why wifi password input should block everything until accepted or canceled, right?

Wifi password form is a modal dialog

And it cant even be swiped away and sent to bg. So the usual workflow "Take picture of wifi details -> swap between form and picture to enter the password" becomes impossible. There's also no special reason why wifi password input should block everything until accepted or canceled, right?