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posted 2019-01-19 04:57:44 +0200

share to android does not work for pictures

I have tried to share a picture from gallery to android. i did try with telegram and signal. In both cases the picture would not be shared (uploaded) to the corresponding app / chat. can anyone reproduce that ?

xperia x sfos 3.011

share to android does not work for pictures

I have tried to share a picture from gallery to android. i did try with telegram and signal. In both cases the picture would not be shared (uploaded) to the corresponding app / chat. can anyone reproduce that ?

xperia x sfos 3.011

share to android does not work for pictures

I have tried to share a picture from gallery to android. i did try with telegram and signal. In both cases the picture would not be shared (uploaded) to the corresponding app / chat. can anyone reproduce that ?

xperia x sfos 3.011