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posted 2019-02-04 13:02:40 +0200

quickcharge and sailfish

with the sony xperia x and xa2 series quickcharge devices arrived with sailfish support. the xperia x supports qc2.0, the xa2 varaints support qc3.0 according to sony. but the xa2 uses the qualcomm snapdragon 630 soc, which officially supports qc4.0.

now my questions:

  • does sailfish indicate which charging mode is used? and is the OS even able to see that? - it would be really helpful to have this information, imho. (qc versions or standard usb or usb-pd)

  • would it be possible to use qc4.0 with the xperia xa2? is the limitation to qc3.0 based on hardware or software? - (of course this points to; can we use the possibilities of an open linux to extent the functionality?)

quickcharge and sailfishcharging indicator (quickcharge/usb/usb-pd)

with the sony xperia x and xa2 series quickcharge devices arrived with sailfish support. the xperia x supports qc2.0, the xa2 varaints support qc3.0 according to sony. but the xa2 uses the qualcomm snapdragon 630 soc, which officially supports qc4.0.

now my questions:

  • does sailfish indicate which charging mode is used? and is the OS even able to see that? - it would be really helpful to have this information, imho. (qc versions or standard usb or usb-pd)

  • would it be possible to use qc4.0 with the xperia xa2? is the limitation to qc3.0 based on hardware or software? - (of course this points to; can we use the possibilities of an open linux to extent the functionality?)