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posted 2019-02-11 13:45:41 +0300

Car audio bletooth problem with Xperia X

When trying to call from our cars (different VAG models) sometimes the network doesn't seem to be available, the car shows an error. The quick (not so elegant) fix seem to be to press the power button so the screen turn on.

Hey presto! Now you see the car & phone start calling...

Question: has this bug anything to do with waking up the screen on the Xperia X ???

Car audio bletooth bluetooth problem with Xperia X

When trying to call from our cars (different VAG models) sometimes the network doesn't seem to be available, the car shows an error. The quick (not so elegant) fix seem to be to press the power button so the screen turn on.

Hey presto! Now you see the car & phone start calling...

Question: has this bug anything to do with waking up the screen on the Xperia X ???