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posted 2019-02-15 02:48:11 +0200

e-mail app cant open downloaded document

i have received a mail with an attachment. i click on download, it gets downloaded. i click on open and get the error: file count be found. i open documents app and can see the document and can view it in app. so document is there and downloaded, the link in mail app seems broken...

e-mail app cant open downloaded document

i have received a mail with an attachment. i click on download, it gets downloaded. i click on open and get the error: file count be found. i open documents app and can see the document and can view it in app. so document is there and downloaded, the link in mail app seems broken...

it seems to be due to the filename, it contains some special chars: # _ and [] and looks like this:


e-mail app cant can't open downloaded documentdocument when name contains special chars

i have received a mail with an attachment. i click on download, it gets downloaded. i click on open and get the error: file count be found. i open documents app and can see the document and can view it in app. so document is there and downloaded, the link in mail app seems broken...

it seems to be due to the filename, it contains some special chars: # _ and [] and looks like this:


e-mail app can't open downloaded document when name contains special chars

i have received a mail with an attachment. i click on download, it gets downloaded. i click on open and get the error: file count be found. i open documents app and can see the document and can view it in app. so document is there and downloaded, the link in mail app seems broken...

it seems to be due to the filename, it contains some special chars: # _ and [] and looks like this:


it came from agoda btw., not from hinz und kunz