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posted 2019-02-23 11:11:25 +0200

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Jolla @MWC 2019

Let's share incoming news and thoughts about Jolla's participation this year.

First news I have: from Jala facebook page (Jala = bolivian tech industry supporting Jolla in latin america), they stated they're starting officially to support beta SFOS versions on their Accione P phones. Will post the link shortly.

Jolla @MWC 2019

Let's share incoming news and thoughts about Jolla's participation this year.

First news I have: have, although not strictly from MWC: from Jala facebook page (Jala = bolivian tech industry supporting Jolla in latin america), they stated they're starting officially to support beta SFOS versions on their Accione P phones. Will post




Jala, luego de un año de trabajo colaborativo de su equipo de ingenieros y Jolla Ltd. fabricante del sistema operativo Sailfish para dispositivos móviles, dará inicio A UNA PRUEBA BETA [...] a partir del 4 de marzo, visitando nuestros centros de experiencia, de esta manera el público en general tendrá la oportunidad de conocer más de Sailfish orientado a uso corporativo en su entorno de mayor seguridad y privacidad.

En la prueba solo participará el modelo ACCIONE P Agradecemos ser parte de esta experiencia.

Cochabamba, febrero de 2019


Jala, following a year of collaborations of its engineers and Jolla Ltd. producer of Sailfish OS for mobiles, will begin a BETA PROOF [...] startin 4th of May, visiting our experience centers, so that this way the link shortly.

general public will have the chance to know more about Sailfish corporative-oriented and its secure and privacy respectful enviroment.

Only the ACCIONE P models will take part in the test. Thanks for being part of this.

Cochabamba, feb. 2019