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posted 2019-03-08 10:57:20 +0200

Android, text editing, typed text does not insert at cursor position

As noted in a recent comment by @teemu in this bug https://together.jolla.com/question/159260/vkeyboard-backspace-and-some-special-characters-additionally-insert-predictive-text/ if you position the cursor in the middle of the text in a textarea and type, the text is often (always?) inserted where the cursor was before and/or at the end.

In both teemu's and my cases this has coincuded with the predictive text bug disappearing - which might be coincidence.

Android, text editing, typed text does not insert at cursor position

As noted in a recent comment by @teemu in this bug https://together.jolla.com/question/159260/vkeyboard-backspace-and-some-special-characters-additionally-insert-predictive-text/ if you position the cursor in the middle of the text in a textarea and type, the text is often (always?) inserted where the cursor was before and/or at the end.

In both teemu's and my cases case this has coincuded coincided with the predictive text bug disappearing - which might be coincidence.

Android, text editing, typed text does not insert at cursor position

As noted in a recent comment by @teemu in this bug https://together.jolla.com/question/159260/vkeyboard-backspace-and-some-special-characters-additionally-insert-predictive-text/ if you position the cursor in the middle of the text in a textarea and type, the text is often (always?) inserted where the cursor was before and/or at the end.

In both my case this has coincided with the predictive text bug disappearing - which might be coincidence.