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posted 2014-01-27 20:31:02 +0300

Bug: Jolla store description and Summary are displayed wrong way around

I've just checked and on all of my publishes apps my Summary field text is displayed in Description tab on Jolla store and the other way around for Description text is displayed in Summary.

Am I the only one getting this?

Bug: Jolla store description Description and Summary are displayed wrong way around

I've just checked and on all of my publishes apps my Summary field text is displayed in Description tab on Jolla store and the other way around for Description text is displayed in Summary.

Am I the only one getting this?

Bug: Jolla store Description and Summary are displayed wrong way around

I've just checked and on all of my publishes apps my Summary field text is displayed in Description tab on Jolla store and the other way around for Description text is displayed in Summary.

Am I the only one getting this?

Bug: Jolla store Description and Summary are displayed wrong way around

I've just checked and on all of my publishes apps my Summary field text is displayed in Description tab on Jolla store and the other way around for Description text is displayed in Summary.

Am I the only one getting this?

Bug: Jolla store Description and Summary are displayed wrong way around

I've just checked and on all of my publishes apps my Summary field text is displayed in Description tab on Jolla store and the other way around for Description text is displayed in Summary.

Am I the only one getting this?