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posted 2019-04-18 12:01:50 +0300

wifi eduroam problem - cannot connect

Hello there,

I have tried for a long time now to connect my Xperia XA2 Ultra on Sailfish to the eduroam wifi of my university in germany without any success. I have downloaded (with wget and curl) the certificate file (via tethering from my android phone) and put it into /etc/ssl/certs/ .

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1367 Jul 12  2018 eduroam.crt

I also tried copying it to /etc/pki/tls/certs which did not help either.

I tried setting the network with the Roamer-App from openrepos. This did not work. I fiddled with the settings in there and also tried using my own custom wifi_eduroam.config file in /var/lib/connman/ which also did not help (and am aware of case sensitivity).


I also tried adjusting the settings file of a connection which Sailfish added as a (very cryptic named ..._managed_ieeee8021x ) folder in /var/lib/connman/ which also did not help.

Almost every time upon changing something I went back to rebooting the device and then trying to connect. When connecting it either says "couldn't connect please try again" (or something similar) or it says "wrong password" (which cannot be).

I am now up to the point that I have no idea what else to try. Can someone please give me a hint?

wifi eduroam problem - cannot connect

Hello there,

I have tried for a long time now to connect my Xperia XA2 Ultra on Sailfish to the eduroam wifi of my university in germany without any success. I have downloaded (with wget and curl) the certificate file (via tethering from my android phone) and put it into /etc/ssl/certs/ .

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1367 Jul 12  2018 eduroam.crt

I also tried copying it to /etc/pki/tls/certs which did not help either.

I tried setting the network with the Roamer-App from openrepos. This did not work. I fiddled with the settings in there and also tried using my own custom wifi_eduroam.config file in /var/lib/connman/ which also did not help (and am aware of case sensitivity).


I also tried adjusting the settings file of a connection which Sailfish added as a (very cryptic named ..._managed_ieeee8021x ) folder in /var/lib/connman/ which also did not help.

Almost every time upon changing something I went back to rebooting the device and then trying to connect. When connecting it either says "couldn't connect please try again" (or something similar) or it says "wrong password" (which cannot be).

I am now up to the point that I have no idea what else to try. Can someone please give me a hint?

[SFOS] WPA-EAP wifi eduroam problem - cannot connect

Hello there,

I have tried for a long time now to connect my Xperia XA2 Ultra on Sailfish to the eduroam wifi of my university in germany without any success. I have downloaded (with wget and curl) the certificate file (via tethering from my android phone) and put it into /etc/ssl/certs/ .

-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1367 Jul 12  2018 eduroam.crt

I also tried copying it to /etc/pki/tls/certs which did not help either.

I tried setting the network with the Roamer-App from openrepos. This did not work. I fiddled with the settings in there and also tried using my own custom wifi_eduroam.config file in /var/lib/connman/ which also did not help (and am aware of case sensitivity).


I also tried adjusting the settings file of a connection which Sailfish added as a (very cryptic named ..._managed_ieeee8021x ) folder in /var/lib/connman/ which also did not help.

Almost every time upon changing something I went back to rebooting the device and then trying to connect. When connecting it either says "couldn't connect please try again" (or something similar) or it says "wrong password" (which cannot be).

I am now up to the point that I have no idea what else to try. Can someone please give me a hint?