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posted 2019-05-14 15:59:28 +0200

Message app crash when sending SMS


The message app crashes when I try to send SMS messages :

1/ open message app 2/ type message content and add recipient 3/ press "send" 4/ app crashes 5/ open message app again 6/ app indicate that there was a problem and sms has not been sent 7/ Click on refresh icon 8/ sms sent successfully

I am running on Sony Xperia XA2.



Message app crash when sending SMS


The message app crashes when I try to send SMS messages :

1/ open

  1. oen message app 2/ app
  2. type message content and add recipient 3/ recipient
  3. press "send" 4/ "send"
  4. app crashes 5/ crashes
  5. open message app again
  6. 6/
  7. app indicate that there was a problem and sms has not been sent 7/ Click sent
  8. click on refresh icon 8/ icon
  9. sms sent successfully

I am running on Sony Xperia XA2.XA2 Plus.



Message app crash when sending SMS


The message app crashes when I try to send SMS messages :

  1. oen message app
  2. type message content and add recipient
  3. press "send"
  4. app crashes
  5. open message app again
  6. app indicate that there was a problem and sms has not been sent
  7. click on refresh icon
  8. sms sent successfully

I am running on Sony Xperia XA2 Plus.



Message app crash when sending SMS


The message app crashes when I try to send SMS messages :

  1. oen open message app
  2. type message content and add recipient
  3. press "send"
  4. app crashes
  5. open message app again
  6. app indicate that there was a problem and sms has not been sent
  7. click on refresh icon
  8. sms sent successfully

I am running on Sony Xperia XA2 Plus.

