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posted 2019-05-30 14:41:13 +0300

Sony Xperia X - stuck blank lock screen

Not sure if this was reported before, but here is a workaround at least.

Problem: try to unlock the Xperia X and all you get is a blank screen. Upon closer inspection, the backlight comes on, but nothing else.

Quick solution: restart the phone

If you don't want to restart the phone _and_ have ssh access to it: (as root) systemctl restart mce

Sony Xperia X - stuck blank lock screen

Not sure if this was reported before, but here is a workaround at least.

Precondition: this may or may not be required as a precondition, but it is in my case: double tap to wake is enabled.

Problem: try to unlock the Xperia X and all you get is a blank screen. Upon closer inspection, the backlight comes on, but nothing else.

Quick solution: restart the phone

If you don't want to restart the phone _and_ have ssh access to it: (as root) systemctl restart mce

Sony Xperia X - stuck blank lock screen

Not sure if this was reported before, but here is a workaround at least.

Precondition: this may or may not be required as a precondition, but it is in my case: double tap to wake is enabled.

Problem: try to unlock the Xperia X and all you get is a blank screen. Upon closer inspection, the backlight comes on, but nothing else.

EDIT: I've recently come across with an alternative way of getting out of this situation: cover the light sensor (top of the phone, perhaps use the phone to cover the while edge above the screen), press the power button, wait about half a second, remove the hand. It takes some practice, but it works (at least in SFOS 3.3). If you consider the old solution below, it's much preferable.

[OLD] Quick solution: restart the phone

If you don't want to restart the phone _and_ have ssh access to it: (as root) systemctl restart mce