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posted 2019-06-09 17:06:01 +0200

Car mode for SFOS

Hi all, I already looked into another themes and I think there are no active themes for a long time. Last questioned about 2013-2014, so I am asking again in 2019.

I would very welcome some driving mode, like it was on Windows Phoneimage description

I think most important things are:

- shortcut to some navigation software (poormaps, or I use Maps.me) - configurable of course, user select the one he uses most

- contacts shortcut for dialling contacts or numbers, maybe shortcut for FastDial would be great

- messages shortcut for reading incoming sms

- date, time, speed maybe (when GPS on)

- to be completely controllable by one hand

I use one-earphoned headset, so this driving mode should be great for me and more others :)

Car mode for SFOS

Hi all, I already looked into another themes and I think there are no active themes for a long time. Last questioned about 2013-2014, so I am asking again in 2019.

I would very welcome some driving mode, like it was on Windows Phoneimage description

I think most important things are:

- shortcut to some navigation software (poormaps, or I use Maps.me) - configurable of course, user select the one he uses most

- contacts shortcut for dialling contacts or numbers, maybe shortcut for FastDial would be great

- messages shortcut for reading incoming sms

- date, time, speed maybe (when GPS on)

- to be completely controllable by one hand

I use one-earphoned headset, so this driving mode should be great for me and more others :) Does some exist or is there someone to make one?