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posted 2019-06-16 21:22:22 +0300

olf gravatar image

SailfishOS BOF session at FrosCon 2019

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrosCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Germany). We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrosCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without resulting in anything conclusive. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering and presenting scope and purpose of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if any) and talk (at least the final title and a description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-27, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrosCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrosCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrosCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrosCon 2019

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrosCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Germany). Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrosCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without resulting in anything conclusive. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering and presenting scope and purpose of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if any) and talk (at least the final title and a description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-27, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrosCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrosCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrosCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrosCon 2019

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrosCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrosCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without resulting in anything conclusive. conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering and presenting scope and purpose of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if any) and talk (at least the final title and a description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-27, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrosCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrosCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrosCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrosCon 20192019 (10th of August, near Cologne, Germany)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrosCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrosCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering and presenting scope and purpose of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if any) and talk (at least the final title and a description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-27, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrosCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrosCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrosCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrosCon 2019 (10th of August, (August 10th, near Cologne, Germany)Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrosCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Cologne,, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrosCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering and presenting scope and purpose of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if any) and talk (at least the final title and a description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-27, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrosCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrosCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrosCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrosCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrosCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne,, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrosCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering and presenting scope and purpose of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if any) and talk (at least the final title and a description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-27, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrosCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrosCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrosCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrosCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrosCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne,, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrosCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering and Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if any) and talk (at least the final title and a description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-27, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrosCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrosCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrosCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrosCon FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrosCon FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne,, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrosCon FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if any) and talk (at least the final title and a description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-27, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrosCon FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrosCon FrOSCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrosCon FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne,, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if any) you plan to use some) and talk (at least the final title and a proper description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-27, 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne,, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max.15 Minutes (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (at least the final title and a proper description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect suggestions.them.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne,, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (at least the final title and a proper description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrosCon FrOSCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne,, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrosCon FrOSCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (at least the final title and a proper description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne,, Cologne, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrOSCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (at least the final title and a proper description) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Germany).
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., but these times may be adjusted to align with the schedule of the FrOSCon (which is not published yet).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (at least the (the final title and a proper description) description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
@Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Germany).Germany) in room C120.
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m., p.m. (our draft schedule below is aligned with the schedule of the FrOSCon 2018, but these times may be adjusted to align realigned with the 2019 schedule of the FrOSCon (which is not published yet).when it is published).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place. Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector andb @Thaodan is trying to acquire a projector for this BOF session, but we have not received a confirmation yet. If that succeeds, he plans for planning to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (our draft schedule below is aligned with the schedule of the FrOSCon 2018, but may be realigned with the 2019 schedule when it is published).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a schedule

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place. place (they still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector andb @Thaodan for planning to provide a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (our draft schedule below is aligned with the schedule of the FrOSCon 2018, but may be realigned with the 2019 schedule when it is published).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

First draft of a scheduleSchedule (preliminary)

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place (they still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector andb and @Thaodan for planning to provide bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

SailfishOS BOF session community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, at the FrOSCon 2019 in St. Augustin (near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (our draft schedule below is aligned with the schedule of the FrOSCon 2018, but may be realigned with the 2019 schedule when it is published).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

Schedule (preliminary)

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:50 2:45 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:50 2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Call for speeches ("CfP")

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place (they still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

SailfishOS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 in (in St. Augustin (near Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.
We currently plan for 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. (our draft schedule below is aligned with the schedule of the FrOSCon 2018, but may be realigned with the 2019 schedule when it is published).

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

Schedule (preliminary)

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Call for speeches ("CfP")

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place (they still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

SailfishOS Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of SailfishOS Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet SailfishOS Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with SailfishOS, Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of SailfishOS, Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using SailfishOS Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to SailfishOS Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.

Schedule (preliminary)

2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of SailfishOS Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your SailfishOS Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Call for speeches ("CfP")

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place (they still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Call for speeches ("CfP")

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place (they still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:45 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Call for speeches ("CfP")

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place (they still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:45 2:55 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:45 2:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.: Break
p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Call for speeches ("CfP")

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place (they still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.: Break
3:15 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussions discussing in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Call for speeches ("CfP")

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place (they still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.: Break
3:15 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussing in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

Call for speeches"Call for Participation (CfP)" ("CfP")

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; prepare to send a draft of your presentation slides (if you plan to use some) and talk (the submit the final title and a proper description is sufficient) at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention, plus to attention. Please also upload slide deck drafts before FrOSCon takes place (they a draft of your presentation (if you plan to use one) then (it still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.: Break
3:15 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussing in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

"Call for Participation (CfP)"

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; submit the final title and a proper description at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention. Please also upload a draft of your presentation (if you plan to use one) then (it still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative, booking initiative and applying a room at FrOSCon 2019 and maintaining the contact to the FrOSCon organisers.2019.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.: Break
3:15 p.m. to x:xx p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
x:xx p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussing in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

"Call for Participation (CfP)"

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; submit the final title and a proper description at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention. Please also upload a draft of your presentation (if you plan to use one) then (it still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative and applying a room at FrOSCon 2019.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.: Break
3:15 p.m. to x:xx 3:45 p.m.: Short talks in a 15 minutes cadence
Showing F(x)tec Pro1 running Sailfish OS (@chen)
p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussing in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

"Call for Participation (CfP)"

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; submit the final title and a proper description at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention. Please also upload a draft of your presentation (if you plan to use one) then (it still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative and applying a room at FrOSCon 2019.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.: Break
3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.: Showing F(x)tec Pro1 running Sailfish OS (@chen)
3:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussing in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

"Call for Participation (CfP)"

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; submit the final title and a proper description at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention. Please also upload a draft of your presentation (if you plan to use one) then (it still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative and applying a room at FrOSCon 2019.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.: Break
3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.: Showing Presenting F(x)tec Pro1 running Sailfish OS (@chen)
3:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussing in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

"Call for Participation (CfP)"

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; submit the final title and a proper description at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention. Please also upload a draft of your presentation (if you plan to use one) then (it still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative and applying a room at FrOSCon 2019.

Sailfish OS community event at FrOSCon 2019 (August 10th, near Cologne)

We will meet on Saturday afternoon, 2019-08-10, from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. at the FrOSCon 2019 (in St. Augustin, near Cologne, Germany) in room C120.

Goals of this meeting

  • Providing FrOSCon visitors with a short introduction of Sailfish OS and the ability to take a look at it on real devices.
  • A chance to meet Sailfish OS users for exchanging experience with Sailfish OS, native apps, device support of Sailfish OS, the AlienDalvik Android runtime environment, using Android apps with it etc.
  • An occasion for developers using Sailfish OS to meet and discuss.
  • Providing a space for short talks related to Sailfish OS (max. 15 minutes duration).
  • Assessing if there is sufficient interest in establishing a monthly meeting in Bonn (preferably within walking distance of the main railway station). If so, find a common denominator for a day of the week (Saturday is usually regarded best and worst for finding a room) and time.
    This has already been discussed here at TJC, but without conclusive result. The outcome of this topic will be posted there.


2:00 p.m. to 2:15 p.m.: Gathering, then presenting scope and purpose (see bullet list above) of this meeting (@Thaodan and @olf)
2:15 p.m. to 2:30 p.m.: Short history and a high-level technical overview of Sailfish OS (@olf)
2:30 p.m. to 2:55 p.m.: Plenary discussion (Q&A etc.)
2:55 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.: Discussing a regular meeting time in Bonn / Break
3:00 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.: Break
3:15 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.: Presenting the F(x)tec Pro1 keyboard-phone running Sailfish OS (@chen)(@chenliangchen)
3:45 p.m. to 5:30 p.m.: Hands on devices and discussing in small groups

Everybody, please bring all your Sailfish OS devices with you, which you are willing to show to others, so we have a large assortment of devices there.

"Call for Participation (CfP)"

Feel free to volunteer for a short talk in an answer to this posting. The preferred language is German, but English is fine, too. Mind that the character of your talk should be of a "lightning talk", briefly introducing a topic. Also mind to provide a few minutes for Q&A in the plenum within your 15 minutes time slot. Still there will be sufficient time to continue discussing in a smaller group, later.
Please create a speaker account and file a talk at our CfP; submit the final title and a proper description at least three weeks before the FrosCon 2019 starts (i.e., until 2019-07-20, latest): This will enable us to properly lay out a schedule to announce it here and at the FrOSCon website, for generating more attention. Please also upload a draft of your presentation (if you plan to use one) then (it still can be updated later). Side note: In case unexpectedly too many talks are suggested or the scope of a suggestion is deemed inappropriate, @Thaodan and me will downselect them.
Thanks to the FrOSCon organisers for providing a projector and @Thaodan for planning to bring a laptop, so you can simply bring your presentation slides as a PDF on an USB stick or your phone (mind to carry an adapter cable to standard USB with you, then).

Kudos to @Thaodan for keeping the initiative and applying a room at FrOSCon 2019.