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posted 2019-07-19 10:25:09 +0300

[BUG] [XA2,] Android notification not hide

I use whatsapp in desktop, and read many messages there. But notification of whatsapp not hide after i read all messages. Even if i open Whatsapp messenger on phone, notification still not hide in notifications page(area).

[BUG] [XA2,] Android notification not hide

I use whatsapp in desktop, and read many messages there. But notification of whatsapp not hide after i read all messages. Even if i open Whatsapp messenger on phone, notification still not hide in notifications page(area).page(area).
image description

[BUG] [XA2,] Android notification not hidehide automatically

I use whatsapp in desktop, and read many messages there. But notification of whatsapp not hide after i read all messages. Even if i open Whatsapp messenger on phone, notification still not hide in notifications page(area).
image description

[BUG] [XA2,] Android notification not hide automatically

I use whatsapp in desktop, and read many messages there. But notification of whatsapp not hide after i read all messages. Even if i open Whatsapp messenger on phone, notification still not hide in notifications page(area).
image description

Update: Messages notifications (SMS) not hide too, if message viewed in Messages application.

[BUG] [XA2,] Android notification Notification not hide automatically

I use whatsapp in desktop, and read many messages there. But notification of whatsapp not hide after i read all messages. Even if i open Whatsapp messenger on phone, notification still not hide in notifications page(area).
image description

Update: Messages notifications (SMS) not hide too, if message viewed in Messages application.

[BUG] [XA2,] Notification not hide automatically

I use whatsapp in desktop, and read many messages there. But notification of whatsapp not hide after i read all messages. Even if i open Whatsapp messenger on phone, notification still not hide in notifications page(area).
image description

Update: Messages notifications (SMS) not hide too, if message viewed in Messages application.