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posted 2019-08-11 23:06:27 +0200

How to resolve an overlay array in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(onSettingsDestroyed()));
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay array error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(onSettingsDestroyed()));
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(onSettingsDestroyed()));
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 


The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.

With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, SLOT(onSettingsDestroyed()));
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 


The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.

With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSlots  | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this,  SLOT(onSettingsDestroyed()));
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 


The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.

With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, 
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 



The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.

With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.

I found a discussion of the last year from Sailfish porters. The conclusion could be, that the hardware adaption of the Accione P device is buggy or some parts are missing.

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, 
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 


The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.

With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.

I found a discussion of the last year from Sailfish porters. The conclusion could be, that the hardware adaption of the Accione P device is buggy or some parts are missing. But the following test seem to falsify this thesis.

I installed the BatteryOverlay2 and Screentapshpt2 from the Harbour app stpre on the Accione P device. Both apps are working. So I concluded, that it could be a problem with the Kit. So I installed the target on the build server. But the same error occured.

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, 
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 


The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.

With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.

I found a discussion of the last year from Sailfish porters. The conclusion could be, that the hardware adaption of the Accione P device is buggy or some parts are missing. But the following test seem to falsify this thesis.

I installed the BatteryOverlay2 and Screentapshpt2 from the Harbour app stpre on the Accione P device. Both apps are working. So I concluded, that it could be a problem with the Kit. So Kit and I installed the target on the build server. But the same error occured.occured. I checked out the projects of the two app from Github and I could reproduce the error with a build and deploymend. Very strange, because the apps from the store are working.

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, 
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 


The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.

With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.

I found a discussion of the last year from Sailfish porters. The conclusion could be, that the hardware adaption of the Accione P device is buggy or some parts are missing. But the following test seem to falsify this thesis.

I installed the BatteryOverlay2 and Screentapshpt2 from the Harbour app stpre on the Accione P device. Both apps are working. working. So I concluded, that it could be a problem with the Kit and I installed the target on the build server. But the same error occured. I checked out the projects of the two app from Github and I could reproduce the error error with a build and deploymend. Very strange, because the apps from the store are working.

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, 
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 


The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.

With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.

I found a discussion of the last year from Sailfish porters. The conclusion could be, that the hardware adaption of the Accione P device is buggy or some parts are missing. But the following test seem to falsify this thesis.

I installed the BatteryOverlay2 and Screentapshpt2 from the Harbour app stpre on the Accione P device. Both apps are working. So I concluded, that it could be a problem with the Kit and I installed the target on the build server. But the same error occured. I checked out the projects of the two app from Github and I could reproduce the error with a build and deploymend. Very strange, because the apps from the store are working.

Has someone an idea?

How to resolve an overlay error in release

My app uses an overlay that follows the approach of harbour-batteryoverlay and harbour-screentapshot. This doesn't work any more with Sailfish OS release The log shows the following error:

[D] ViewHelper::showSettings:163 - show settings
[D] unknown:0 - Using Wayland-EGL
library "libgui.so" wasn't loaded and RTLD_NOLOAD prevented it

This is the code snipped of the showSettings method with a generic app name :

void ViewHelper::showSettings()
    qDebug() << "show settings";
    QDBusConnection::sessionBus().registerObject("/harbour/myapp/settings", this, 
        | QDBusConnection::ExportScriptableSignals);

    qGuiApp->setApplicationName("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    qGuiApp->setApplicationDisplayName("MyApp Overlay Settings");

    settingsView = SailfishApp::createView();
    settingsView->setTitle("MyApp Overlay Settings");
    settingsView->rootContext()->setContextProperty("helper", this);

    if (!overlayView) {
        QDBusConnection::sessionBus().connect("", "/harbour/myapp/overlay", 
            "harbour.myapp", "overlayRunning", this, SIGNAL(overlayRunning()));

    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(destroyed()), this, 
    QObject::connect(settingsView, SIGNAL(closing(QQuickCloseEvent*)), this, 


The overlay is running in the emulator, but not on an Jala Accione P target device. I also tried an Intext Aqua Fish device, that was migrated to a Jolla C device.

With the last one I have a pyotherside problem and had to add the related repository with ssu ar mer-tools first to be able to build and deploy the app. After a successfull deployment, the overlay works.

I found a discussion of the last year from Sailfish porters. The conclusion could be, that the hardware adaption of the Accione P device is buggy or some parts are missing. But the following test seem to falsify this thesis.

I installed the BatteryOverlay2 and Screentapshpt2 from the Harbour app stpre on the Accione P device. Both apps are working. So I concluded, that it could be a problem with the Kit and I installed the target on the build server. But the same error occured.

Has someone an idea?