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posted 2014-01-31 06:16:57 +0200

Why Gallery backup always fails?

I just realizef that since I've had the device I have not been able to backup the Gallery. I have made different kinds of backups using Settings > System settings > Backup usually before system updates, and no matter hiw I.do them the Gallery will not get backuped to the .vault

When start making backup wirh all apps/modules selected in the GUI and type a name of the backup and press Create, the backing up starts (the indicator shows moving bars) and each app changes color to green but when it gets to Gallery the indicator turns to yellow and it stays there a long time and tjen.finslly turns to red (no othrr ettors or messages are shown). It then backups the rest and shows the nee backup in the Restorr-section with corrrct name.and date-time info. The same happens if only Gallery is selected to be backuped.

Going to terminal anf checkkng the .vault directory shows all other module directories (Accounts, Broeder, ..), but not Gallery.

So whats wrong, and.has anyone else experienced this?

Why Gallery backup always fails?

I just realizef realized that since I've had the device I have not been able to backup the Gallery. I have made different kinds of backups using Settings > System settings > Backup usually before system updates, and no matter hiw how I.do them the Gallery will not get backuped to the .vault

When I start making backup wirh with all apps/modules selected in the GUI and type a name of the backup and press Create, the backing up backing-up starts (the indicator shows moving bars) and each app changes color to green but when it gets to Gallery the indicator turns to yellow and it stays there a long time and tjen.finslly turns to red (no othrr ettors or messages are shown). It then backups the rest and shows the nee backup in the Restorr-section with corrrct name.and date-time info. The same happens if only Gallery is selected to be backuped.

Going to terminal anf checkkng the .vault directory shows all other module directories (Accounts, Broeder, ..), but not Gallery.

So whats wrong, and.has anyone else experienced this?

Why Gallery backup always fails?

I just realized that since I've had the device I have not been able to backup the Gallery. I have made different kinds of backups using Settings > System settings > Backup usually before system updates, and no matter how I.do them the Gallery will not get backuped to the .vault

When I start making backup with all apps/modules selected in the GUI and type a name of the backup and press Create, the backing-up starts (the indicator shows moving bars) and each app changes color to green but when it gets to Gallery the indicator turns to yellow and it stays there a long time and tjen.finslly tthen turns to red (no othrr other ettors or messages are shown). It shown).I

Ir then backups the rest and when finished shows the nee backup backup name in the Restorr-section Restore-section with corrrct name.and correct name and date-time info. info (the red indicator also disappears then when they all turn white). The same happens if only Gallery is selected to be backuped. backuped.

Going to terminal anf checkkng and checking the .vault directory shows all other module directories (Accounts, Broeder, Browsere, ..), but not the Gallery.

So whats wrong, and.has anyone else experienced this?

Why Gallery backup always fails?What's wrong with making backup of Gallery?

I just realized that since I've had the device I have not been able to backup the Gallery. I have made different kinds of backups using Settings > System settings > Backup usually before system updates, and no matter how I.do them the Gallery will not get backuped to the .vault

When I start making backup with all apps/modules selected in the GUI and type a name of the backup and press Create, the backing-up starts (the indicator shows moving bars) and each app changes color to green but when it gets to Gallery the indicator turns to yellow and it stays there a long time and tthen turns to red (no other ettors or messages are shown).I

Ir then backups the rest and when finished shows the backup name in the Restore-section with correct name and date-time info (the red indicator also disappears then when they all turn white). The same happens if only Gallery is selected to be backuped.

Going to terminal and checking the .vault directory shows all other module directories (Accounts, Browsere, ..), but not the Gallery.

So whats wrong, and.has anyone else experienced this?

What's wrong with making backup of Gallery?

I just realized that since I've had the device I have not been able to backup the Gallery. I have made different kinds of backups using Settings > System settings > Backup usually before system updates, and no matter how I.do them the Gallery will not get backuped to the .vault

My Gallery has now 1.2 GB of videos and 200.MB of photos, but tthe backups failed also when there were much less videos and photos in Gallery (less than 500 MB)

When I start making backup with all apps/modules selected in the GUI and type a name of the backup and press Create, the backing-up starts (the indicator shows moving bars) and each app changes color to green but when it gets to Gallery the indicator turns to yellow and it stays there a long time and tthen turns to red (no other ettors or messages are shown).I

Ir then backups the rest and when finished shows the backup name in the Restore-section with correct name and date-time info (the red indicator also disappears then when they all turn white). The same happens if only Gallery is selected to be backuped.

Going to terminal and checking the .vault directory shows all other module directories (Accounts, Browsere, ..), but not the Gallery.

So whats wrong, and.has anyone else experienced this?