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posted 2019-10-31 15:12:26 +0200

[]Problem detected by "zypper ve" after upgrade


The problem appears on JollaC and XperiaX F5122. Both upgrades were performed with the usual GUI and went just fine.

zypper ve
displays the following error:
Problem: product:# This file is copied as hw-release- to os-release is not installable Solution 1: deinstallation of product:# This file is copied as hw-release- to os-release

Choose the above solution using '1' or cancel using 'c' [1/c] (c):
zypper pu
lists the following products
S | Repository | Internal Name                       | Name | Version  | Arch                    | Is Base
i | @System    | NAME="Sailfish OS"                  |      | | noarch                  | No
i | @System    | # This file is copied as hw-release |      | | analogous to os-release | No

[]Problem detected by "zypper ve" after upgrade


The problem appears on JollaC and XperiaX F5122. Both upgrades were performed with the usual GUI and went just fine.

I suspect this is causing Storeman to fail when trying to update OpenRepo apps.

Question is there an error in the repositories/package managementor its just zypper failing ?

Details of the zypper output:

zypper ve
displays the following error:
Problem: product:# This file is copied as hw-release- to os-release is not installable Solution 1: deinstallation of product:# This file is copied as hw-release- to os-release

Choose the above solution using '1' or cancel using 'c' [1/c] (c):
zypper pu
lists the following products
S | Repository | Internal Name                       | Name | Version  | Arch                    | Is Base
i | @System    | NAME="Sailfish OS"                  |      | | noarch                  | No
i | @System    | # This file is copied as hw-release |      | | analogous to os-release | No